Mar 6, 2011

10 Day Challenge ---> 8 Fears

Today will be the 10 Day challenge for 8 fears & due to I'm "geli + takut" with all this thing that I will list, I decided not to post out the picture. Takut-takut nanti ada yang heart attack then tidak berani lagi mau visit my blog gara-gara this 8 fears challenge. 
1. God (Of cause kan, sebab He the one will judge us especially what have we done spanjang hidup kita)
2. Banyak kaki (Lipan, Lipas, Spider, etc..) yang penting banyak kaki
3. Snake & yang sama-sama macam ni snake.
4. Serangga yang cute ja bila kcil then bila besar sungguh2 geli (eg: kumbang besar, belalang besar, kupu-kupu besar)
5. Dark. 
6. Death
7. Air Dalam
8. Losing someone 

Wait for the next challenge 7 wants. hihihi.. I thing it should be more than 7. Lets see what top 7 will it be. :p

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