Nov 25, 2011

Moving Picture

Anyone out there who loves to watch Harry Porter Movie Series must know about what I will write today.

No. Not about Harry Porter Movies, but about something inside the Harry Porter Movies. The one that make me so interested in it and wish that I can have one. Hahaha.. (Bukan Magic Wand ok, and of cause I wish to have magic wand tapi klu ada pun tidak mungkin bah boleh pakai kan except if saya “Hermione Granger”)

So, anyone can guest what the thing that I said???





It is: ----

“MOVING PICTURE” part in Harry Porter Movies. (Frame & Newspaper)
And now ada sudah orang learn how to do it, walaupun not really like “Harry Porter moving picture” tapi they combine picture+video and make that static picture move and of cause no sound yet but it’s really cool.

So here gonna share a few moving picture actually known as Cinemagraphs.
~Please click below image to see image movement~

All picture Cinemagraphs was taken from:


Aki Borneo said...

Iya,saya pun ada save dalam pc sa ni gambar2 gini.. semat ni.. ^_^.v..

a-Me said...

ya.. memang semat ni Aki.. Sa suka sangat2 ni.. Masalah xda pandai mo buat bah.. Msti ko ada pi learn2 sudah ni kan.. Hehe... Klu ada ko buat kan, jgan lupa kasi show2 d blog k.. :)

beaty said...

memng semat ni pun baru tau2 ni ada gmbar moving mcm ni..mcm mana bh durang buat tua ah

a-Me said...

ya kan beaty.. memang semat ni, untuk orang yg minat photography buli ni learn2 tau. Sa pn xda sure juga mcam mna dorng buat, sebab kena kasi mix kan Pict+Video.. :)

sherylilie s.john said...

semat tp mcm susah mo bt.. huhu

Arms said...

Ooo saw the a long time ago... banyak ni gambar macam ni going around the internet, a-Me. But the ones you show among the famous ones la hehee.

Hmm, maybe sia akan try buat ni very soon. Mo cari tempat mo letak camera dulu ni supaya steady shot hahaa.

Happy Saturday, Miss a-Me! Apa la ko buat the whole day?